Friday, June 1, 2012

1 if by Land, 2 if by Sea, 3 if by Bike - The Minuteman Trail

In 1775, Paul Revere took a midnight ride that forever changed the history of the United States. 

"One if by land! Two if by sea!" he warned as he raced on horseback towards Lexington and Concord as the British troops approached Boston. Yikes! And so the American Revolution began with the Battles of Lexington and Concord. 

A few years later (um...  in 1992), the Minuteman Bike Trail was constructed to follow almost the exact route Revere took that famous night. The trail runs from Somerville's Davis Square out to Bedford, Mass. The paved path passes by small towns, ponds and lakes. It's shaded by huge old trees that create a magical and cooling canopy for the bikers, joggers, inline skaters (yay, Rollerblades) and walkers. 

I've ridden the path for the past two weekends, with 26 miles being my longest ride. Let's just say this, I'm kicking myself for not bringing my road bike out East. Three to four hours is along time to spend on a single speed. Lesson learned: people do bike in New England!

The Minuteman Trail has become my favorite weekend activity. I can't wait to ride further - after the paved road ends, it spits you out onto the road where you can travel to places like Thoreau's Walden Pond and gives you a chance to really explore the charming New England countryside. 

Yay, bikes! YAY!


p.s. here's a map of the trial.

Rad signage that peppers the trail. I knew America's Founding Fathers loved bikes.
(Nice whip, Paul.)

I DO bike Boston!

Feels like riding through the forrest.

Perfect way to end the 20 mile ride. Beers 'n food in the sun at Harvard Square's
restaurant Upstairs on the Square.

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